Father’s Day Leadership Lessons

We can all learn a lot from our dads. Many traits and habits – good and bad – are learned from pop. Empathy, drive and motivation, valuing honesty, and more, are passed down generation to generation.

Nathaniel EngelsenAuthor avatar

We all learn so much from our parents. Those young childhood years where we are sponges for behaviors and information are filled primarily by mom and dad. They are our first and foremost role models and teachers, imbuing us not just with skills, but with traits, behaviors, and entire ways of thinking and living. This Father’s Day let us look at some wisdom others have learned from their dad or have gained from being a dad themselves.

6 Leadership Lessons Tech CEOs Learned From Their Dads - Kathleen Shanahan

  • Lead by Example – do the right thing, as we discussed a few weeks ago
  • Focus on the Priorities – keep the main thing the main thing
  • Build from the Foundation – start at the beginning
  • Trust is Paramount – let people loose instead of controlling them
  • Be Direct – do not be brutal, but be honest (and rip off the band-aid)
  • Be Innovative and Resourceful – figure out how to get it done

Being A Dad Makes You A Better Leader - Dave Kerpen

  • Always Be Curious – be a lifelong learner
  • Praise Often; Never Criticize – positive reinforcement beats negative criticism
  • Honesty is the Best Policy – be known for being honest

6 Traits Of Successful Dads That Make Successful Leaders - Jonathan Herrick

  • Patience – good things come to those who wait
  • Empathy – understand what others are going through
  • Discipline – goal setting + accountability
  • Honesty – build relationships of truth
  • Sense of Humor – de-escalate and build bonds
  • Servant Leadership – mentor, teach, and put others first

Leadership Lessons for Father’s Day

  • Being in charge is about responsibility, not power – work to correct autocratic impulses
  • Listening to others’ ideas and suggestions is not a challenge to your ego – boost others, so that they may boost you
  • People will only respect a leader who respects others – foster integrity
  • Success as a leader – and in everything in life – is about grit and determination – most things worth doing are hard. Keep at it.
  • Leaders are judged on their actions, not their words – lead by example

In Honor of Father’s Day: Leadership Lessons I learned from My Father and Grandfathers – Thomas H. Little

  • Humor is a Powerful Tool – build bonds with stories and communication
  • Servant Leadership Matters – positively impact others
  • Great Leaders Encourage and Support Others – build up others
  • Leadership Means Doing, Not Just Talking – do what you say you are going to do
  • Leaders Don’t Make Excuses, they Make Progress – life will give you lemons. It is up to you to make something of them.
  • Old Dogs Can Learn New Tricks – you have permission to change your mind
  • Leaders Need Time to Think – do not rush to judgement

Putting it all together, there is a lot we can learn from dads. Be the best version of yourself, be honest and trustworthy, and take care of others. I personally have learned a few things from my father figures, and as a father myself:

  • Work hard – do the best job you can no matter what the job is
  • Network – you cannot do everything yourself
  • Do not rush to judgement – it takes only a second to be wrong forever
  • It takes all kinds – people think and act differently and unpredictably, and by and large, that is ok